Friday, March 28, 2008

Proud daddy

Daniel was so cute with Kaylie. He didn't want to put her down. Now that we're home, he's always waiting for her to wake up. Sometimes he messes with her while she's sleeping and wakes her up, then tries to tell me "she just woke up!"

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

More pics...

Mom's not looking too hot....but I sure love my baby girl! * Check out the mullett...

The princess has arrived!


So...I was dead set that I would not have Kaylie on my own. I was just sure I was going to have to be induced today. Saturday at about 11:00am, I started cramping and just kinda feeling uncomftorable. I thought is this going to lead to something? It kept up and moved to my back to the point where I couldn't walk, stand, lay, sit...nothing was comftorable. It lasted about another hour. I called my awesome sister, Marci and asked her what she thought. She thought I should go in and get checked. Of course Daniel was freaking out and thought I was going to pop her out right there. Anyway...I was sure I was not going to be admitted, but sent home and told to come back when my contractions were stronger.

When I arrived at the hospital, my doctor was actually in surgery doing a c-section. The nurses hooked me up to the monitors and I was having strong contractions pretty regularly. I was in a lot of pain, mostly in my back. When my doctor was done with the c-section, he came and checked me and I was a 3. He said I could go ahead and get my epidural now if I wanted to and they would keep me. Right then I just burst into tears...mostly glad he was keeping me, but freakin scared to death of what was about to come.

I must add this minor detail...I had called my mom that morning at about 10:00 and said I feel fine today, go ahead and go 4-wheeling at Butler and I'll call if anything happens. I could not get ahold of her! I was starting to freak out. I left her messages and told her to call as soon as she could.

Back to my epidural, it went great. It didn't hurt going in and I do dare say at the moment, the guy who did it was my best friend. I did not feel a thing throughout the rest of my labor. When the nurse told me I was "complete" and ready to push, I told Daniel he better call my mom and see where she was. She was in Wellington (about 10 min away) and was hurring!

I ended up pushing for 1 hr and 15min before she came out. I was amazed that I did not feel a thing. I was just sure it was going to be the worst experience of my life...but I dare say it was awesome.

She was born at 10:22pm on March 22nd. She weighed 7 lb 11 1/2 oz and was 21 inches long! Big girl!! She has chubby cheeks, a double chin and a mullet! :) We came home yesterday, Monday. We had a good night last night. She's really cathing on to breast feeding well. My mom is here for the week, bless her heart. I couldn't do it without her.

We'll do her first bath here in awhile...I'll update later and let ya know how it went. I'll also add more pictures.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Baby update...

Just getting ready for the big day!

Ok, here's the latest with the baby....I saw the doctor yesterday. He didn't check me to see if I was dialated anymore because my contractions have totally stopped! :( He scheduled me for induction on my due date, next Tuesday. He's hoping I will go sooner, but if not, he'll start me next Tuesday. It's so weird to think I'll FOR SURE have my baby next week. I'm getting so nervous. I can't even handle it. Today Daniel and I have been getting last minute things ready in her room. We painted the letters and got them hung up. They look so good in her room.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Baby Shower!

So the shower was so much fun! It was last Tuesday. My friends from work at the hospital did it for me. They all pitched in and bought my stroller/carseat. I love it!

We had dinner and opened gifts. It wa so fun to just sit and chat with everyone. My mom, sister and grandma all came for it, so we had so much fun. I got so many cute gifts. I can't wait to use them!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ok so here's the update on the baby deal. I am due in exactly 2 weeks! I went to the doctor today and I'm still dialated to a 2. I've been a 2 for 2 weeks now, so I was kinda disapointed I wasn't dialated more. I am getting really really nervous and sometimes wonder what I got myself into!!! Wish me luck and I'll get pics on here when she arrives!