Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm 9 months old!!!

Wow I can't believe how time flies! I swear,
my pregnancy did not go by this fast.
Kaylie is such a good girl. She makes me
so happy! I love being a mom. She is
on a pretty good schedule now days.
She is sleeping through the night again, so
that is definatley a plus! I'm just a little
concerned about weaning her from the boob.
Any ideas?? I've thought about doing the
cold-turkey method, but I think that
would push all 3 of us over the edge.
I also thought about just taking a pill
that makes your milk dry up, so when
she tries to nurse, there's nothing
there. It's honestly giving me some major
anxiety! So any suggestions would be
greatly appreciated. She is so close
to crawling. She has the army crawl
down, and sometimes will take a few
"real" crawls. I feel so bad for her...
her knees are so red and have carpet
burn. So...I ordered her some knee
pads! I know it sounds funny, and will
look even funnier on, but I just feel
so bad! I'll be sure to post pics when
they get here.
Hope everyone
has a very Merry Christmas!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Kiddie Kandids

We got pics done today. This one
is my favorite. She's so adorable!!
She left her head bands on!!
Hopefully she'll start liking
them now. :)
She looks so grown up!
Love the Christmas lights.
Cute belly shot!

Monday, November 24, 2008

All About Baby!

Such a fun tag!!

1- Where were you when you first found out you were pregnant? at our apartment in Price.

2- Who was with you?Daniel.

3- How did you find out that you were pregnant? Home pregnancy Test from the dollar store.

4- What was your first reaction to finding out you were pregnant? Scared to death! But happy that it finally happened. Pretty much my heart was pounding out of my chest I was so excited.

5- Who was the first person you told? I called my sister and Daniel called his.

6-Did you plan to get pregnant? yep

7- Did you tell everyone else right away? Just our sisters, then we told everyone else a few weeks later. It's so hard keeping it a secret!

8-Was everybody happy for you? Oh ya!!

9- Did you go out and celebrate? Ya, I had to work a grave that night, so we went out for lunch to Balance Rock Cafe in Helper. I was trying to be all healthy and ordered a salad. Ha ha that lasted about 1 day!

10- Did you want to find out the sex? At first I didn't want to. I've always said I wasn't going to find out what it was. But Daniel was so certain that we were going to find out, so we just did.

11- What was the sex? GIRL!!!

12-Did anyone throw you a baby shower?yes

13- If yes, who? Daniel's mom and sister did one, then my friends from work at the hospital did one. So much fun!

14- Did you get any outfits at the baby shower that you just knew you weren't going to put on your baby? No, they were all way cute.

15- How much weight did you gain? about 30lbs (Rude question!)

16- Did you lose all of the weight that you gained? Yea, but I'm still flabby and don't look/feel the same.

17- Did you get a lot of stretch marks? Not one :)

18- What did you crave the most? I made caramel popcorn almost every night. For real. I also drank a lot of diet pepsi, mac n cheese. I would pretty much eat any food in sight!

19- Did you crave anything crazy? Not so much.

20- Who or what got on your nerves the most? My doctor made me pretty mad when he told me he wouldn't start me at 39 weeks!! But other than that, no one in particular.

21- Were you married at the time?Yes

22- Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? Not really. Just some bleeding at the first, which scared the crap out of me, but it all ended up being ok.

23- Where were you when you went into labor?At home.

24- Did your water break? Yes, thanks to the doctor!

25- Who drove you to the hospital? Daniel

26- Did you go early or late? Only three days early. I truly feel sorry for anyone who goes over.

27- Who was in the room with you when you gave birth? Daniel, his mom, my mom, Dr. Hollingsworth and 2 nurses.

s28- How long were you in labor for? From my first contraction at home until she was born was about 11 hours.

29- Did you have any drugs for the pain? HELL YEA. I can't imagine doing it without. For anyone who goes natural, WOW is all I can say.

30-Did you go Natural or have a c-section? natural

31- What was your first reaction after giving birth? Is she ok? Does she have hair? Who does she look like? Am I seriously a mom?

32- How big was the baby(s)? 7lb 11oz. 21 inches long.

33- Did your Husband cry? I think so, it was all kinda crazy so I don't totally remember, but I think he did.

34- What did you name the baby(s)? Kaylie Rae Mower

35- Does his name have any significant meaning? I've always loved the name Kaylie. Rae was Daniel's grandpa's name, but spelled Ray. I also have a lot of family member's with Rae as their middle name, so we just decided on that.

36- Did you have any visitors? Yep, lots of family and friends!

37- Did the baby(s) have any complications? No, thank goodness.

38- How old is your baby today? 8 months and 2 days.

39- When is the next one(s) coming? Who knows...I was scrapbooking today and got a little baby hungry. Not for awhile though.

40-If you could, would you do it all over again? Yes, of course. My labor was soooo easy. I didn't deserve it.
41- tag 5: Marci, Paris, Tiff, Erin, Lissa.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Chuckie Cheese!

We went to Chuckie Cheese a few weeks
ago for Jayden's birthday. It was so much
fun! All our family was up here for Mike's
play off game. After the game, we went to
Chuckie Cheese.
Kaylie had so much fun on this swing.
She wasn't too sure of it at first, but
once it got going, she had a blast.
Kaylie and her cousins crusin in the jeep!

I love this pic. We gave her a piece of
birthday cake. She obviousley enjoyed

Friday, November 7, 2008

8 things tag

8 tv shows I love to watch:
1. Bachehelor/Bachelorette
2. Mystery diagnosis
3. Life in the ER
4. American Idol
5. Braves games
6. The Simpsons
7. House hunters
8. Dr. Phill
Favorite 8 restaurants
1. Cafe Rio
2.Olive Garden
3. Texas Road House
4. Wingers (Most the time. Last time I ate there I got sick :(
5. Golden Corral
6. Macaroni Gril
7. K-Mart Cafe in Price
8. La Casita
8 things that happened yesterday
1. Drove to Ogden and bought a new Tundra!!
2. Went to Orem and did an admit.
3. Ate at Panda Express.
4. Stopped at the dollar store to buy prizes for Jayden's party.
5. Went to Jayden's birthday party.
6. Ate pizza with Marci and her fam.
7. Came home and fed Kaylie.
8. Went to bed at 9:00!
8 things I'm looking forward to
1. My family coming today weekend for Mike's football game!!!
2. Kaylie to start sleeping through the night again.
3. Kaylie to be weaned from nursing.
4. The Twilight movie to come out!!
5. Thanksgiving and all the yummy food!
6. Christmas
7. Go shopping for some home decor.
8. The day when Marci finds out what she's having. It BEST be a girl! :)
8 things on my wish list
1. I wish all the money in the world.
2. I wish that Kaylie was done teething so she'd sleep at night.
3. I wish I had more motivation to get my scrapbooking done.
4. I wish I could get a new kitchen table.
5. I wish I could get a king size bed.
6. I with we owned our own house. Hopefully soon.
7. I wish Kaylie didn't have blowouts everyday!!
8. I wish I could see my family more often.
*Now I tag anyone who hasn't done this yet!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween fun!!

Kaylie was the cutest monkey I've ever seen!
She wore her costume to Mike's game in
Nephi. They threw out candy, so I gave her a
Twix. She sucked off all the chocolate and
was starting to eat the caramel. That was her
first candy bar. She loved it.

This was after the game at Mike's house. She
was spent. This was even before we went
trick or treating! I forgot my camera, so
when I get pics of trick or treating, I'll be sure
to post them. We stayed in Nephi and went
trick or treating there with all the cousins.
I kinda felt dumb carrying Kaylie up to the
door and me saying "trick or treat" cuz
obviousley it's me who will be eating all
the candy. We only went to about 10
houses, then we called it a night. We came
home and hit the hay.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

7 months old and.....1st tooth!!

Kaylie is getting to where she hates to have
headbands on. It makes me sad cuz I love them!
She pulls them off and chews on them. I can't
even keep them on long enough to snap a pic!
She's 7 months old today. I can't believe it.
Last night she was lying on her stomach
and was getting up on her knees, trying
to crawl. It's not gonna be long.
She won the battle with the head band.

This past weekend Kaylie was terrible
during the move. I thought it was just
cuz she wanted to be held and have all
the attention like she usually does.
It was hard, because we had to pack
and clean and stuff. I actually ended
up mopping the floor at the old house
with her in my arms cuz she'd just
freak out when I put her down. Well
today I was just feeling her bottom gums
cuz I've been suspecting a tooth to be
coming. Well....I found one! She's been super
slobbery and whiney the past few days,
guess that explains why.
I'll post some pics of my new house
once I get everything organized
and in place.

Friday, October 10, 2008

We're moving!!

So, here's the scoop. We're moving to Spanish Fork. Ever since we built and sold the house, we've been wanting to buy a business. We wanted to buy something that would not be effected by the economy these days. We decided we wanted to do something in the health-care industry. Perfect for me! In May, we found an Assisted Living business for sale in Payson. We inquired about it and went to visit it. We were really impressed and decided to make an offer. Well, the sellers didn't accept our offer, so we didn't quite know what to do. We thought about it for a couple of weeks, and decided to put in another offer (quite a bit higher than the 1st one). They did accept it, so we thought it was a done deal! Oh no....we still had to deal with the banks. To make a long story short.....we've just found out that Excel National Bank in Beverly Hills, CA is going to do our loan. We'll be moving sometime next week. We found a rental house in Spanish Fork, so we'll just commute the 10 min to Payson. I'm going to do a little home health on the side - i t's great money and really flexible with the baby. I'm so excited to finally live in a house! Even if it's not mine, it's gonna be great. I can't wait to have a dishwasher, disposal, ice maker, more than 2 bedrooms, and more than 1 bath! I'll post some pics as soon as we get up there. We can't wait. We have been working on this business thing for 5 months, it's been such a roller coaster of a process, but we're gonna be the proud owners of an assisted living facility!!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

6 months old

This is one of my favorite pics of Kaylie.
She was sitting on the couch, looking at
my as I walked by. I stopped and started
talking to her and she got so happy!
Daniel caught this with his camera phone,
so it's not the best pic, but I just love it.
You can't tell, but she has on little black
leggings. I love them! :) They look so cute
on her.
I can't believe Kaylie is already 6
months old. It's so true that they
grow up soooo fast! She's already
1/2 year old! I swear 6 months of
my pregnancy didn't go by this
fast. So as you can see....she's
totally sitting up! She just started
one day. She never went through a
wobbly stage where she would sit up
for a minute then fall over. She just
suddenly sits up!!!! She loves to
sit on her blankets and play with
toys. She just got her 6 month
check up and shots yesterday. She
got 4 shots :( She didn't cry with the
frist one, but the next 3 weren't fun.
She did a lot better than last time
though. Her check-up went good.
Dr. Madsen says she's growing and
developing great. She weight 15lb 10 oz
and is 27in long! He says it's lookin like
she's gonna be tall :)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Shayla's wedding!

Last weekend was my friend, Shayla's
wedding. I got to be in her in her line.
It was a long day, but it turned out so
cute. The wedding was in Gunnison,
her back yard...
so beautiful. She decorated so cute. After
the ceremony, we had a BBQ, then the
reception started. I forgot how it
was standing in line for 2 hours, shaking
people's hands. But this time, I had
to explain to everyone that I was
Shayla's friend, Amber from nursing
school, cuz no one knew me. I felt
bad for Daniel...he had to come with me
to the whole thing so he could watch
Kaylie. I was worried she wouldn't
be good, but she was really good,
and Daniel was fine.

Kaylie and I chillin on the grass.
She loved my flowers. Only
one was still connected to the
stem by the end of the night.
Congrats Shayla, Jarrett and Ryder!!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Quick update...

Ever since I first found out I was
having a girl, we've been
talking about wether or not
we would get her ears
peirced. I've always been
for it, but Daniel was the
one holding back. Well a
few weeks ago, we were up
north at the mall and I got
brave and decided to do it!
Yes, she did cry and yes, it
was really sad. But she was fine
after about 10 min. She's
never acted like they bother

So it's been forever since I've blogged!!!
So much has been going on...Kaylie is
getting HUGE! She's 5 months old now.
She doesn't have any teeth, but I'm
expecting one any day. She rolls over
and loves her baby food and cereal!
(Still no bottle-we're done trying that!)
She loves to play with her toys,
especially the ones that make noise
and sing to her.
She is such a happy baby. Really,
she is smiling all the time. It's
so much fun being a mom. :)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Wave Pool!

We went to the wave pool last
weekend with Maxi, Ash and Sky.
They came to visit for the weekend,
and we had a blast! Kaylie loved the
water. She just sat there and kicked
and played around.
Ashlyn had so much fun.

Maxi is such a good mom! She was
out there with her girls, having just
as much fun as they were.

She's such a cutie!

Friday, July 18, 2008

1st 4-wheeler ride

One of the things I love about being a
mom is experiencing all the "firsts"
with Kaylie! Almost everything we do
is a first for Kaylie. This was about 3
weeks ago when we went to Blanding
for a visit. My family was going
4 wheeling and I didn't want to miss out,
but I was worried how well Kaylie
would do. She loved it! She was so
good and acted like she just loved
being out!
We stopped to have some lunch, and
Daniel decided Kaylie looked
pretty good sitting there on the back
of the 4 wheeler. She just sat there and
looked all around. Daniel carved Kaylie's name
in a tree with the year. It'll be cool
to go back up there when she's older
and show her.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Home Sweet Home

This is our house that Daniel built. We started last July and finished this March, just before Kaylie was born. We built it as a "spec" house, which means we planned on selling it when it was complete. It's a great investment and a good way to make some good money. So, most times when people do this, they move into the house for awhile until it sells. I was totally stoked to move into a new house with a new baby. Well, the whole time we were building, this guy kept coming by and asking if it was for sell. Anyway, he ended up buying it before it was done, which means we didn't get to move in :( . It's such a nice house. This picture doesn't do it justice. I love the front entry way and the timber truce. The inside is amazing. Once they got the cabinets in, I couldn't go in anymore. It just made me cry, cause it was supposed to be my house, at least for awhile. Daniel totally built it himself. His dad helped a ton, but we didn't sub it out, he built it! I'm so proud of him. Who just decides to build a house and figures out how to do it?! When I ask him how in the heck be built a house, he says, "You just do it." So yea, I'm still in a tiny 2 bedroom apt, watching the family move into my house. It's been way hard, but I just have to remember we made good money, so I guess it was worth it.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Ok, I need some serious help here. As you can see, I have 4 DIFFERENT bottles here. Kaylie won't take any of them! I have spent so much time pumping milk, storing it, trying to feed her a bottle, and it's all a waste of time! I love breast feeding, but wow, I need a little break sometimes! I just got the one on the far right last week off the internet for like $20. I thought it was a great investment. All the reviews on it said it was great for babies who breast feed and won't take a bottle. I was so pumped when it arrived....then I tried it and wanted to cry.When we try to give her the bottle, Daniel does it, thinking she'll take it better from him. We tried for 2 hours the other day. I think all 3 of us were about to loose it! Her problem seems to be that she won't latch on. She just plays with it and moves it around in her mouth. So....if anyone has any suggestions, PLEASE help me out! I need some advice.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

20 Years ago...
1. I was 3 years old. 2. Livin it up with Paris and her bros. We were all so tight. 3. I loved to eat crayons with Paris on my front porch. We would hide under a blanket so my mom wouldn't get mad at us.4. I would wear Paris' tap shoes and dance in the shower downstairs. (Paris, we are the best!!) .
10 Years ago...
1. I just finished 7th grade and was so glad to have the summer. 2. Seems like we hung out a lot at Alicia's. We played night games and hung out in the basement.3. I think Jens was my boyfriend?
5 years ago...
1. I just graduated high school!! YAY! .2. I worked at the Blanding Family Practice as a CNA. 3. Jackie worked at Old Tymer and we'd always hang out after we both got off work. Jack would be so exhausted cause she always worked doubles!
3 years ago:
1. Daniel and I just got married in the Mt. Timanogus (sp) temple, ready to start our eternal journey together!! 2. I was studying like crazy to take my LPN boards. Glad that's over with! .3. We always went to the BDAC (the gym here in Price) and played raquet ball. He always beat me. 4. We went camping one night up Huntington canyon and about got attacked by some animal. We were sleeping in the back our our Tacoma and a moose (I still swear it was) came to close to us and made all these weird noises. Scared the crap out of us. We ended up driving back down the canyon and parking the truck on a side dirt road and spending the night. BAD night! .5. We were trying to decide what to do with ourselves. We weren't quite sure where to head next. 6. We ended up staying in Price for another year.
1 year ago...
1. Just got home from our cruise!!! 2. I was working grave yards at the hospital and Daniel was building our house. We sure didn't see much of eachother. 3. I was pregnant, but didn't know it yet.
So far this year I...
1. Was blessed with the sweetest baby girl. 2. Am not longer working full time, and I love it! 3. Have finally made some good friends here in Price and love having kids the same age and going on stroller rides. 4. Have learned that the most important thing in life are our families.
Yesterday I...
1. Went to lunch with Daniel's mom and sister. .2. Went to work for a little while. 3. Got a $5 pizza and went to the park with Daniel and Kaylie. It was such a nice evening. So good to finally have nice weather!
Today I...
1. Grill some pork chops for dinner. 2. Will go on a stroller ride when it cools down this evening. 3. I'm sure I'll feed Kaylie about 28 more times. She obviously likes to eat!4. Snuck away to buy Daniel's father's day present. I know, I'm a slacker and waited til the last minute.
Tomorrow I...
1. Will attempt to go to church. We'll see if Kaylie allows us to do so. 2. Have a sunday nap. 3. Will go visit Daniel's dad for father's day.
In the next year I...
1. Will hopefully be running our assisted living business in Payson.2. Will have hopfully lost all my baby weight. It seriousley sucks trying to loose it all! Any suggestions?? 3. Will hopefully be the best mom to Kaylie and have a blast raising her!!
Thanks for tagging me Tiff! It was great to reminisce!
Now I tag everyone that Tiff didn't :) and Megan Mower!!!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

2 months = 4 shots

Kaylie turned 2 months old on May 22nd.
She had to get her immunizations. I was
not looking forward to this day. I am
ok with giving kids shots, but to see
my little Kaylie get 4 of them was so

This is after it was all said and
done. She cried so hard, she had
tears and was all hot and sweaty.
It was horrible. My pediatrician
is awesome (he's the one who gives
the shots) and made sure I was
ok with it all. She looked up at
me with the saddest eyes, wondering
why I was letting this happen to her.

Good thing she has lots of meat on
those thighs. She got 2 shots in
each thigh.

This is when we got home. She
slept a lot and just wanted her
mom. This was not a fun day :(

Thursday, May 22, 2008


We had family pics done last week. It was quite the adventure! We had to stop half way through the session so I could feed her. She wasn't too sure about it all, but I think we got some decent ones,considering she didn't cooperate too well.

I wasn't sure where to get the pics done. There is a local photographer here in Price that we thought about going to. I had heard aot of good things about Kiddie Kandids, but just the drive up north, making sure Kaylie was fed and happy at the right time seemed like a huge hassle. Anyway, we decided to go to Kiddie Kandids and I'm so glad we did! They turned out so cute. It was so much fun!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Cute babes!

We went up north and decided
Kaylie needed some new clothes
so we went to Old Navy and had
so much fun. I LOVE shopping for her.
There are so many cute girl clothes
I decided the weather was getting
warmer and we'd be hittin the wave
pool here in Price pretty soon, so I
found her a stinkin' cute bikini. She's
gonna be flaunting those rolls and I'm
so excited. I also bought her some cute
tank tops, capris and so much more.
We had a blast!
When we got home, I was cooking
dinner while Daniel took care of
Kaylie. I didn't hear them for
awhile, so I went to see what
they were up to. This is what I
found. They were crashed out
on the bed, enjoying the lovely
swamp cooler. I guess I wore
them out with all my shopping!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

1st "real" smile :)

Wow what a cutie! The past few days Kaylie has been smiling in the mornings. This morning was her best smile. Daniel had just gotten her out of her crib (yes, she's still sleeping in her crib! Yay!) and was playing with her. I don't know how he managed to get a picture at the right time, but it's dang cute. She's starting to "coo" and is a lot more active with her arms and legs. She kicks her legs so much. I am beginning to think she's going to kick off all those rolls on her legs :)

Friday, May 9, 2008

Fun times

We had Kaylie blessed last Sunday. Both our families came. It was so awesome to have them there to support us.

We got Kaylie a pad to lay on with toys above her. She loves it! She's just starting to touch the toys and make them rattle. She will lay there for hours and just stare at them. She had played so hard, she fell asleep. It was so cute!

Kaylie had been sleeping in our in her bassinet since she was born.My pediatrician told me to keep her in there until she is 6 months old. But I would wake up everytime she made a noise. She likes to grunt and make all sorts of noises while she is sleeping, so Daniel and I weren't sleeping very good. So...we decided to just try putting her in her crib. The frist night, it was really sad. I felt so bad for her, being in there all alone! Her room is just across the hall from ours, so she's not too far. I just felt so bad! She did soooo good. She has a mobile on her crib. She totally loves it! It's got little jungle animals and it makes all sort of noises and has lights. So she is now officially sleeping in her own room. I hear about kids sleeping with their parents until they are toddlers, so I'm pretty excited we will not be one of them. We are all sleeping much better now. She's getting on really good, consistent schedule, which is awesome! I can't believe how big she's getting. By the way, last week I had her weighed and she weighs 10lb 8oz! She's almost gained 3 lbs
since she was born!!