I tried to put these in order, but had a heck of a time doing it, so I gave up!
but tried to smile and act like it wasn't hurting
to have Kaylie sit on my lap.
There's No way to describe this feeling.
*** So....I was super nervous to be induced, because a lot of mothers who are induced end up having a c-section. I did not want that! The night before I was induced, my parents got here. Daniel, my dad and Daniel's dad gave me a blessing, which really calmed my nerves. I didn't sleep much that night. I don't know if I was nervous, or having contractions. I think a little bit of both.
My boss called me from the hospital Monday morning and told me my 2 favorite nurses were working in OB and to hurry and get there so we could get going! I was so excited that they were working. They are awesome and so much fun!
When we got there, I changed into my gown and the nurse checked me. I was dialated to a 4! I couldn't believe it. I had been 2cm for 3 weeks, so I was surprised I was that dialated. She got my IV going and started the pitocin. We were having a great time, just chillin, waiting for the contractions to start. The nurse turned up the pit every 30 min. I didn't realy start to feel contractions until about 10:30. They were mild at first, and tolerable. She told me to let her know when I wanted my epidural, because it would take about 30 min to get the anestesiologist (sp?) out of surgery and there to do it. I asked for it around 10:45 and didn't get it until 11:30. At that point I was getting really uncomftorable and thought about calling him myself!
Kaylie, my parents and Daniel's parents were there by now and getting nervous. I was also super nervous to get my epidural. When he got there, he had me lay on my side, in a fetal posistion. With my first epidural, I sat up and hunched my back. This really made me nervous. I ended up doing just fine and it was a WONDERFUL epidural. After my epidural was in, they checked me again. I was 6 cm.
Dr Gagon came in at about noon and broke my water, This really got my labor going! I loved having contractions and not feeling a thing!! At 2pm I was dialated to 8cm. At about 2:50ish I was complete and ready to push! Dr. Gagon got there at 3pm. As soon as he got there and started getting his gown ans gloves, I got so emotional! I think reality was sinking in, and I was also scared because I pushed for 1 1/2 hrs with Kaylie. I was afraid that would happen again.
I started pushing at 3, Parker was born at 3:07!!! He weighed 7lb 7oz and was 2o in long.
At this point we still had't agreed on a name. Daniel was dead set on Parker, but I wasn't too sure! That night before we went to bed, Daniel informed me that we were deciding on a name before we went to sleep. I figured one of us had to give in, so I did. I figured it was his son, I pretty much named Kaylie and it would eventually grow on me, so we went with PARKER CURTIS MOWER.
The rest is hustory...the recovery with Parker was 100% easier than with Kaylie. I felt sooo good and never had any issues. Parker has been a great baby and such a sweetheart.
He's sleeping a lot better at night and eating every 3-4 hrs. He's gaining weight now, now that we figured out he wasn't getting enough from breastfeeding. He weighed 8 lb 14 oz today :)
We are so blessed to have Parker in our family abd just love him to pieces :)
You are so lucky that things went well! He is so cute! I can't wait to go on our shopping trip!
What a great story, glad everything went so well. Second babies are much easier with delivery and stuff, at least that was my experience also. Congrats, he is a beautiful baby!
Thanks for sharing! He is so cute, and I really like his name.
It was so fun to see you and hang out a little bit while you were in blanding.
Sounds like a great birth experience! I'm so glad things went well. I'm hopeing my next labor, if there is a next, will be that smooth.:) P.S. Aren't epidurals wonderful?
I'm glad to hear everything went well! It's really not fair though that you only had to push for 7 minutes! It was good seeing you all over the 4th:)
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