Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ok so here's the update on the baby deal. I am due in exactly 2 weeks! I went to the doctor today and I'm still dialated to a 2. I've been a 2 for 2 weeks now, so I was kinda disapointed I wasn't dialated more. I am getting really really nervous and sometimes wonder what I got myself into!!! Wish me luck and I'll get pics on here when she arrives!


jackster said...

Yay for the update, remember you can call my anytime ;) I still think you'll go early but make sure you let me know asap.

Tiffany P. said...

Amber, you are the cutest pregnant lady EVER!!!!! love you!

Andy & Alicia said...

It looks like you had a fun shower and got lots of cool gifts. I cant wait until Kaylie gets here... YAY!